The Best Sales Tool is Good Customer Service

Have you ever just given up on a professional? I mean just walked away and decided it was worth paying more or starting the process over or just not getting it all together.  Whether it was groceries or a new roof, the company you were ready to give your hard-earned money to just made you walk away and take that money somewhere else.  Come on.  You have done it. What is different about your clients?  Nothing.  Which is why having good customer service is crucial to sales.

Does your bad customer service have the effect of a nuclear bomb?

You can get and retain more sales through good customer service. Be it getting new customers, having existing customers return or recommend you to their friends and enemies, customer service can be your biggest sales tool.

According to Ruby Newell-Lenger, “A typical business hears from 4% of it’s dissatisfied customers.” (Note this is a quote that I am quoting from another site Sorry to digress.  So according to this if you had one person complains 24 just go away, never come back and tell their friend you are not worthy.

Yes. This is the woman who is being quoted all
over the internet. The one and only Ruby Newell- Lenger

 You want to keep those 25 clients you have already paid for through advertising and other marketing costs to attract them.  How do you sell more by keeping them happy?

Try one or all these five ideas to better your customer service..

  1. Track your response time to calls for one week. Include zero time for answering the call, email or text immediately. Average the time before you responded.  Then set a goal of lowering that response time by half.
  2. Follow up every time a person contacted you with a question or problem and ask them if they are happy. You can ask if they are satisfied. You can ask if they need anything else. Use any language you want to show your concern for their satisfaction. Want to make it really make a difference.  Do it with a phone call.
  3. Publish a list of frequently asked questions on your website. This will reduce the number of calls and give your tech savvy clients instant answers.
  4. For big ticket items send a thank you. Snail mail (a note in the mail) has the biggest impact.
  5. If you don’t already, keep a log of calls, texts or emails clients make. Mark when its done. First thing each day, review the list of unfinished work and try to get ‘er done.

The man who got me to start using the phrase “get ‘er done”,
Charlie Behran’s host of the Manitowoc Minute.

Customer Service is not for the weak.  It is for those who want a great reputation, feel good about what they do and those who want to sell more.


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