
Simple, Yet Effective – Four Steps for a Business to be Seen

Being a presence on the Web is not necessarily a $2000 investment.  There are four steps to starting. ONE – Buy your domain name.  Your Domain name is your address. Just as my mailing address tells people how to find my home, my domain name tells people where they can go on the internet to... Read More »

Better Image for Christine Yeager

I changed the main image on my home page.  Before it was a lovely Dessert night scene. Lovely, with no connection to what I do. Previous Home Page Image Now I have a collage of where how I act as a Business Analyst. New and Improved Home Page Image   The collage should convey that I... Read More »

Branding – What is it?

I chose branding as my first post because I was advised by the Keller School of Management Career Services site to begin thinking of branding myself.  That advise was taken a little too literally and I began branding myself as a business when really the advice was about utilizing LinkedIn to its fullest. I love... Read More »